Books · Reviews

Dream Me – Book Review (Spoiler-Free)


I was provided with a copy by NetGalley for an honest review. Thank you to Amberjack Publishing for the opportunity.

Hey guys, happy Monday! 🙂

First of all, let me apologize for my absence… It’s been a tough few weeks in which I haven’t had the time or the mood to spend on blogging. But I’m trying to get back on track, so let’s hope it goes well!

This review is completely spoiler-free.


  • Title: Dream Me
  • Author: Kathryn Berla
  • Publisher: Amberjack Publishing
  • Publication Date: July 11th, 2017
  • Page Count: 175


Babe is, once again, the new girl in town. Her father’s job forces the family to move around constantly and Babe just wishes she could find a place to call “home”, for once. Zat is from the future, where Earth is close to inhabitable. His dreams are the only thing giving him hope. His dreams and the redheaded girl in them…




I did like Zat as a character. He was extremely down-to-earth and thoughtful, especially when compared to Babe. I don’t think we are told his age, though, so maybe he’s a lot wiser and mature because he’s older (and also because he comes from a different time).

I also enjoyed the little clues the author left here and there. There were some really great details that were, unfortunately, not enough to make this any close to a cohesive story.



It was nice to read about Babe’s everyday life at first, but it quickly became boring beyond belief. Nothing – and I mean, absolutely nothing – happened. Every single day was basically the same routine.

I dreaded reading the comments on Babe’s blog. They were so awkward and cringy, and Babe was so rude replying to them. She just sounded very entitled most of the time, and like she was completely different person.

I couldn’t care less about Zat and Babe’s relationship. It could have been sweet, at one point, but it quickly turned into an obsessive, kind of messed up connection. I didn’t really understand what they saw in each other, or where these feelings were coming from. I mean, it’s a peculiar relationship, sure, but come on. I could kind of see why he had fallen in love with her, as it’s explained, but Babe? It was basically instalove for her.

It wasn’t very consistent, either. Sometimes Babe would be all for the independent lifestyle, hanging out with friends and trying new things in this new town; then, she would spend her days obsessing over her dreams and Zat.

Finally, there were at least three random subplots that served no actual purpose in the story. One of them just very much grossed me out. And Babe’s reaction to it? Ugh, what was that all about…




Being a “sci-fi” kind of romance, I expected way more from this. Sure, there wasn’t a lot to pack up in 175 pages but when you waste 50% of the book talking about Babe and her friends eating grilled fish or playing tennis, you get no excuse.

There were some really interesting concepts in this, but they were a) not explored enough and b) all pretty jumbled and not making much sense when put together. There was also a lot left to the imagination, which is usually fine but didn’t actually work here.

I was thoroughly bored and very simply put, uninterested in this story. It was so short yet it took me nearly a month to finish it just because I didn’t feel like picking it up. And when I did, it felt syrupy sluggish.

I really wanted to like Dream Me. It sounded so interesting and had such a pretty cover. But overall, I just can’t recommend it.

Story & Plot: 2choco

Writing & Style: 1halfchoco-

Characters: 2choco

Pacing: 1choco

Enjoyment: 1choco

Final Rating:



Thank you so much for reading and until next time!


What did you think of my review? Do you plan to read Dream Me? 。^‿^ 。


82 thoughts on “Dream Me – Book Review (Spoiler-Free)

  1. First off: great to see you back again, but real sorry to hear that you have had such a rough time. I hope you are doing better now. Please take all the time you need in the world to take care of things. Your blog (and us) aren’t going anywhere, so there is really no need to apologise.
    As for this book, I guess it’s true what to say: you can’t judge a book by it’s cover 😂 Real shame this one wasn’t so great (on the other hand I am glad I don’t have to add another book to my to read list lol 😂).
    Please take good care of yourself, and I hope things will go better for you really soon 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Michel! ❤ Your words mean a lot, truly! It's nothing bad, per se, I've just been super busy with work and other stuff. So I end up sacrificing a lot of my time/sleep, which doesn't help with blogging or coming up with ideas (or reading so I can write reviews). Still, thank you for being so understanding, you rock ^_^
      Hahaha right?? I was thinking that too 😂 I'm glad my negative reading experiences are useful! 😂 And yeah, book covers are evil… Book blurbs too… Argh.
      Thank you so much once again! I think I just need to take a deep breath, do some deep planning and I'll be good ^^ As always, your encouragement is much appreciated! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are very welcome, and I’m glad to read it’s nothing bad. As mentioned take some time to relax…as much as you need. As much fun as blogging is, your health is more important, so take some rest 😊


  2. Welcome back! I’m sorry that you haven’t had a good few weeks, but I hope things are improving for you ❤
    It's a shame that this book wasn't quite what you were hoping for. Here's hoping your next read is much better! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Jazz! ❤ Oh, yeah, it hasn't been ideal but I think I'll come around, in time 🙂 I'm just in great need of rest and creativity at the moment…
      Right? I was so hoping it would be good! Yet, it completely failed me. I'm glad it was short, at least…
      Thank you, I certainly hope so! I've read one other book after this one that I really enjoyed, so I think I'm on the right track ^^

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Dani! 😀 Yay, great to see you too, hon! Thanks for stopping by ❤
      The thing is, I actually do like slice of life! Both books and manga/anime/movies. So it was not that. Maybe the writing? The pacing? Nothing seemed to work for me in this story, which was such a shame because I had high hopes for it.
      I do feel like I’ve been posting a lot more negative/neutral reviews than before. A lot of feelings indeed 😂 It’s not like it’s a bad thing but sometimes a rant is needed!
      I’m glad you enjoyed this one, though 🙂 And I’m curious: which parts did you most disagree with me? Or what did you like most about Dream Me? I’d love to discuss it with someone with a different point of view! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well I lost what I wrote!! Stupid WP app…

        So I do agree with you that there was little to no plot! I can see where it was boring and uninteresting for you… (this was longer but I lost it sorry!)

        I saw this as more of a fusion story… your POV is why most publishers don’t buy fusion genre books. There is this entire contemporary book with this friendless girl making friends and having a summer job… the tennis guy was supposed to be someone you think is part of a love triangle but is really not! They befriend that one kid and go to the island. The author used this as the frame for the sci-fi and fantasy aspects of the fusion. I quite liked Zat and his dystopia world. (Like you did!) on the other hand I felt there was just enough detail to make it work (if this were a fusion!) it was just believable to me (I did have to suspend disbelief here 😉) that in a distant future they would try this!

        Then the fantasy aspect was all the dreaming… Babe (ridiculous name!) had this whole separate life in her dreams. We forget dreams are in the mind and well Zat was in her mind. Even when we don’t consciously hold all of our knowledge in the forefront of our brain we do still know everything we know. So she was always aware of Zat! So while she wasn’t consciously falling in love she had been falling in love in her brain subconsciously… it does appear to be instalove and her conscious brain had to catch up hence her wanting to hurry back every night. It’s kind of like watching a show you LOVE but you don’t really know what’s going to happen but you kind of feel like you do at the same time… it builds anticipation… that was what was happening with her! As for the blog… she wasn’t a book blogger nor did she care about having readers… it was more a way to record her thoughts and it supplied a means for the Dreamer who traveled from the future to see how Babe was doing with Zat. At times bloggers have different personas online than in RL so I saw it as that…

        As a writer I LOVE fusion writing and I felt like the author was successful at it. I would have loved for her to incorporate the other dreamers into the contemporary plot. It would have made her day to day life more interesting. I think the author was worried that the suspension of disbelief would have been too strained and the whole story would have collapsed. Which honestly it would have at her level of writing. (Not being mean here but just honest!)

        I actually totally appreciated you POV and I actually LOVE negative reviews. We just feel eh sometimes! Let me know what you think about what I wrote (I hope it makes sense I’m writing in a tiny window!) I’d love to hear what you think! This was seriously fun ♥️ thanks for asking me!


        1. Oh what you said does makes sense! I hadn’t thought about it that way, and that’s one of the reasons I love discussing books with people with different opinions from mine – they always have something new and interesting to offer to the conversation 🙂
          I guess I’m not used to this type of fusion? That allied with the fact that the author’s writing was also not that great seems to be the reason I disliked it so much. Actually, I wouldn’t say “dislike”, more like it didn’t do anything for me. It was just super “meh”! Also, boring to the max since I didn’t care about any of the characters or what happened to them, and that’s awful.
          I guess you’re right about Babe becoming aware of Zat in her mind, and her feelings developing unconsciously. But at the same time, I don’t remember her spending that much time knowing about him? It felt super quick, like one day she was in the new house and in the next Zat was there and she was reaching out for his hand at the beach… If that makes sense? It just didn’t feel like any time had passed at all and that’s why it made it look instalovey to me, because the dreams took place so soon and she was already falling for him? I mean, there was nothing gradual in my opinion. It feels like I missed something XD
          And yeah, I do understand Babe wanted the blog to be like a personal journal of hers, but if she didn’t want to interact with people, she should have just blocked any comments. That would be the most sensible thing to do. Honestly, I hated the blog chapters because they were so awful and she was so awful and the readers… Ugh xD
          So, in the end, I guess this is a very specific type of genre that not everyone will enjoy… And I’m part of that group of people hahaha
          Does what I wrote here explain things a bit better? I’m not sure I was able to fully express my feelings but I hope so! ^^


  3. When there is NOTHING happening in a book and you are neutral to the point of JUST NOT CARING for for the characters and their relationships, well then the book must REALLY suck! 😂

    Hey, thanks for your honest thoughts. I am going to have to get a restraining order against this deadly boring book! 😂😂😂

    Loved your review. 😊❤❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, absolutely my thoughts! I had never given such a low rating before and part of the reason is because there was really not much I could salvage from my experience reading this book… I had to literally think long and hard about what I had somehow liked about it xD Otherwise, it would have been a very short review.
      Oh no problem! I tend to be very honest (too honest sometimes) yet I tried to tone it down, just in case I came across as too rude (which I absolutely do not want).
      Hahaha I wouldn’t say it’s that bad, but it definitely wasn’t my cup of tea. Who knows, you might like it. But for the time being, I would not be in a hurry to try it 😛
      Thank you so much! ❤ ❤ ❤

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  4. When I read the blurb I thought this sounded like a really interesting book, I mean the concept was I incredible, then I read your review and I guess the book could live up to your expectations. It sounds like there wasn’t much going on at all, and I’m not a fan of the insta-love you mentioned on Babe’s part. That’s one of the tropes I generally can’t stand.
    Still great review, I’m just sorry this book wasn’t as so good as you were maybe hoping it would be. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, you and me both, Beth! I had such high hopes for it… I mean, I love a great romance with sci-fi in the mix. But unfortunately, this one didn’t do the concept any justice at all.
      Dani pointed out that it might not have been instalove after all, and her point of view does make a bit of sense but I remain convinced that it was xD I think I would have enjoyed it had it been a bit more substantial.
      Thank you so much, darling! ❤ Oh well, it happens… I'll be on the lookout for a better one ^^

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Great romance with sci-fi in the mix sounds like something I’d love as well. All the sci-fi books I have head have had great romances in them. 🙂
        I guess if you’re impression was insta-love that’s just your opinion isn’t it? I mean we all have different ones when it comes to books.
        That’s all right, and I’ll keep my fingers crossed you find a better one then. 🙂 ❤


    1. Krysti!!! So good to see you around ❤ ❤ (well, we did talk on Twitter but it's not the same hahaha)
      Everything's good, thank you for asking 🙂 Just work and stuff keeping me busy, busy. In between trying to get sleep and free time and read something, I've had zero motivation to blog and somehow, a month has gone by ^^' How does this happen?!
      This book was definitely a big snooze… I know I'm one of the few who thought so but oh well.
      Thanks so much for stopping by! I need to find the time to check out your lovely blog soon ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Totally not the same. LOL. Sometimes 140 characters just doesn’t cut it. I totally understand that. You’ve got to have priorities sometimes. I feel this same exact way about Tower of Dawn. I was bored to tears, but I keep seeing people giving it five star reviews. LOL. Maybe it’s just me. 🤷‍♀️ Anyway, always good chatting with you! ❤️


        1. Oh noooo!!! YOU WERE?? I really hope I’m not… I mean, it’s Chaol!! I have to love that book! :O
          And my priorities are kind of messed up sometimes hahaha I need to find some way to fit in everything. We’ll see how it goes ^^’
          Lovely chatting with you, too, Krysti ❤ And I'm sorry about the ToD fiasco… I really wish you'd love it :/

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi this is my first time reading your blog and I really like the way you have done the reviews, I recently started a books page on my blog and am still on the edge of trying to make it look better especially on the reviews. Keep up. I like your job

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Welcome back!! Ah shame that it didn’t make for a cohesive idea. And that Babe was not nearly as good a character as Zat (also, am I the only one that can only picture the pig called Babe when someone says that name!?!) I really don’t like the sound of the romance- yeuch instalove- no thank you!!! hehehee it does sound very boring and I have *no desire* to read about someone’s day to day life like this- so dull!! (bit random, but I’ve seen a few posts lately talking about how they’d like more ordinary every day life things in books and I’m like “NOPE”- books like this show why that’s a bad idea!) Awesome review- I’ll be avoiding this one for sure- thanks for the warning on this one cos I’d have been sucked in by that pretty cover for sure!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aaah thank you!!! ❤ ❤ I have yet to post anything else but I feel that I'm at least active in the community again and checking out everyone's blogs, which I missed terribly 😥
      Babe was a terrible name… Even though I liked the reason behind it (named after famous tennis player) it just wasn't the best choice.
      I don't mind slice of life stories and I do enjoy daily routines, so long as they're entertaining. However, Babe's days were not, plus the writing style/her voice were awful and could not keep my attention for long. So while I do agree that every day life things are not something I actively look for, there are some are that pretty great. Though I would much prefer some fantasy or an actual plot hahaha
      Right??? That cover is so beautiful! Deceitful devil xD I'm glad I could spare you the grievance… I wish I'd done the same xD
      Thank you so much!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. hehe I understand- it can be tough to keep up and post!! ❤ ❤
        hehehe I know right?! hehe yes, well I'd have just have been thinking she was named after a pig 😉
        Yes I totally get that! ahh doesn't sound great!! hahahaaha yes!!
        hahaha yes!!
        You're welcome 😀

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Diana! ❤ It's good to be back 🙂 Yeah, that was a very accurate description… I just couldn't bring myself to enjoy it in the least! 😦
      It's okay, though, tons of other books to look forward to 🙂 I hope you do get to pick up a really cool one, instead! Definitely don't waste your time with Dream Me, if you can help it.
      Also, I haven't forgotten your e-mail! I will try to get to it soon, I'm so sorry for the wait…

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I definitely don’t think you would like it, Trang, but I would love to read one of your savage reviews of it XD (Because, trust me, this one would call for one!)
      Thank you so much ❤ Hahaha sorry not sorry 😛 I might get tired of them one day, but so far they're still alright!


  7. Oh I’m so sorry to hear you had a couple of tough weeks. I hope it’s going better now! ❤
    This book sounded so promising, I really liked that synopsis, too bad it didnt' live up to your expectations…It sounds quite boring, which is such a shame! :/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! ❤ Yeah, they were a bit stressful and I had so much to do… It was especially hard to not be able to blog/read as much as I would have liked 😦 But things are better now, definitely 🙂
      Yeah, it certainly did! I felt like DNF'ing it so many times, but because it was a NG request, I forced myself to finish it. Ugh.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re so right, Jay! I was reading other books on the side and prioritizing them over this one, just because I never felt like reading it… Had it not been a NetGalley request and I would have given up on it halfway :/
      Thank you so much for reading! ❤ 🙂


  8. LOL, the moment I saw those two paragraphs in the “Sweet” section, I knew the review was gonna be pretty bad haha. I’m so sorry this book was such a bore. It really does sound like an uninteresting mess of a story. But the thing that bothers me the most are the characters’ names. Babe? Zat? Come on…Also, instalove is really losing its appeal for me. I just want an honest-to-god slow burn romance once in a while haha. But yeah, this book doesn’t sound all that fun to read. Glad you finally managed to get through it, but hopefully your next read won’t be as difficult to get through than this one. I think this is a book I’ll have to pass on. Great review as always, Sophie! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahahaha I knooow! Babe was named after a famous tennis player (she plays tennis) so it did make sense but still, what a poor choice xD She was apparently super fine with it, which I found refreshing if a bit unrealistic (it’s just one of those names for which your kid will hate you forever, you know?), and one thing that did annoy me even more was how it literally came up in conversation EVERY SINGLE TIME. Like, 30% of the book is Babe explaining the origin of her name to people who meet her for the first time. Ugh.
      Zat is a futuristic name, I guess? So I let it slide xD (was still not impressed, though)
      Yes!! Slowburn romance is the best ❤ ❤ This one was not slow at all. And it didn't make any sense to me, nor made me feel anything. Which is just terrible.
      I've been reading tons of much, much better books lately, including Days of Blood and Starlight and Dreams of Gods and Monsters. Man, those two broke my heart!!! In the best way!!! Taylor is such a Queen, I can't ❤ (still reading book three, by the way, so please no spoilers xD) So yeah, I think my bad books streak is on hiatus 😂
      Thank you so much, Azia! ^_^

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      1. I’m okay with Babe Ruth and Baby from Baby Driver, but for some reason I can’t get on board with this one LOL. It’s just too weird for a book, I think XD Also, it sounds like it was a perfect set-up to show how special she is. I hate it when name origin explanations are overused haha. I’m usually okay with futuristic names but Zat sounds too much like gnat for me, so I’m gonna have to pass on that one too LOL
        All bad book streaks can be broken by Laini Taylor, Leigh Bardugo, and Morgan Matson IMO. You can’t really go wrong with any of them. (I was hesitant to put Maas because of TOG and ACOTAR. They seem to be a hit or miss with some people haha. But she’s a YA queen regardless, so let’s say Maas too!)


        1. Right?? It was pretty annoying. Oh I hadn’t realized that… Now I can’t not think about it whenever I read his name 😂😂😂
          You’re so right! Maas is definitely a hit or miss for me too but those times she does hit the mark, she manages to do so wonderfully 😍

          Liked by 1 person

          1. LOL, sorry about that XD
            Oh yes, I love reading Maas’s books, especially the ones that blew me away. Speaking of which, I think I’d like to reread ACOMAF sometime soon!


  9. Never apologize for not being active ❤ University is keeping me away and I feel a bit guilty but we all know it's hard to squeeze such a time consuming hobby between everything that life throws at us!!
    That's too bad the author spent too much time on routine and nothing! Great and yummy review!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh but I feel so bad! There’s always so much going on in the blogging world that I’m missing, and wonderful people to chat… Ugh!
      But thank you so much for your understanding, means a lot ❤ It's great that we all relate to each other's struggles, though hahaha
      Yeah, it really sucked… But oh well.
      Thank you so much, Meggy!! Hehehe ❤


  10. That’s a shame this book was a disappointment – I love sci-fi romances, but I’ve struggled to find truly great ones, and have had several disappointments when ones I tried didn’t live up to the intriguing premise or the lovely cover… this one sounds like it was a similar experience 😦 It’s definitely a sign that a book is not winning you over if it’s short and it still takes you ages to finish it!


    1. Definitely! I literally had to force myself to read this just because it was a NG request and I needed to get a review out… Awful experience.
      Yeah I love sci-fi romances too! They can be soooo interesting and inventive, yet this one was as boring and mundane as can be 😕 I’m still looking out for a good one, though. Do you have any recommendations?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hm I don’t think I’ve found my ‘perfect’ sci-fi romance yet, but I did really enjoy This Shattered World, Illuminae and Gemina, all with Amie Kaufman as a co-writer (the first is more romance-heavy than the latter two), so I can recommend them! I think A Confusion of Princes by Garth Nix also had a romance element and I enjoyed that. I liked Cinder too but I think you’ve already read that 🙂 Oh and I loved the movie Passengers! (that’s probably my favourite in the genre if you count movies). I think I still have some reading in to do though so I can find an absolute favourite. Do you have any recommendations?


  11. It is such a drag to find a book that seems so interesting to just be plain boring. It definitely has a great synopsis, but I can see how it could fall apart if it isn’t executed properly. I hope that you love the next book that you pick up! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Ouch… I can taste the venom from here. It would definitely be quite boring if more often than not there’s nothing happening. This is definitely not the road to enjoying what you read though!!! Sophie!!! Pick up a good book already!!! I need me some sugar. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aaarghh tell me about iiiit!! I was so sure I would enjoy this one, plus it was so short! What could go wrong? Well, apparently everything hahaha
      I think I’ve learned my lesson though… Never request anything from NG again without making some solid research first xD
      I’ve read some good ones ever since though… So I feel better 😂
      Now I just need to go over your reviews and pick a worthy one!! That’s the only foolproof way I think 😛

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Hello,
    I tagged you for the End of Summer Book Tag.
    The questions are:
    What was your favorite book this summer?
    What was your least favorite book this summer?
    What book did you wish you had read this summer?
    What was your favorite classic you read this summer(if you did not read one then in general)?
    Did you stray into a different genre and pick up a new and exciting book?
    What was your favorite movie adaption this summer?
    What was your favorite new release book?

    Thank You


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