
The Third Annual 2019 Book Blogger Awards ~ My Nominations

The Third Annual 2019 Book Blogger Awards

This was SUCH a hard post to write 😭😭😭 There were so many bloggers I wanted to include but alas, I couldn’t get everyone in here.

Remember that even if you aren’t mentioned here, I STILL LOVE YOU AND YOUR BLOG VERY MUCH ❤ ❤ ❤

These are just some of my personal faves and even if I don’t check on them as often as I’d like, it still feels magical every time. (And I love their faces)

I probably forgot some people and for that I apologise profusely. My head was hurting from trying to write this for the past two days (because of course I left it to the LAST POSSIBLE MINUTE) but I tried my best 🙇‍♀️

A huge thank you to May @ Forever and Everly for hosting the Awards! 🤗 (and for being awesome in general)

2019 Book Blogger Awards - Best of Their Age

Best Pre-Teen/Teen Book Blogger (13-19)

May @ Forever and Everly

Oh May, May… This girl has everything: an incredibly pleasing blog, entertaining content, a lovely personality and an affinity to mangoes 🥭🥭 I mean, what else do you need in life??

Best Adult Book Blogger (20+)

Olivia  @ Olivia's Catastrophe

Olivia is truly one of a kind! She has the most extra photos I have ever seen (this is a good thing, by the way), her reviews are always on point, and she happens to have a mega social media presence. Not to mention she is super sweet and amazing! How she manages to do all that and travel as much as she does, I’ll never know… But kudos!

2019 Book Blogger Awards - Best Genre Bloggers

Young Adult

Lily @ Sprinkles of Dreams

Lily is such a sweetheart! I love her bubblegum-like blog and aesthetic – so relaxing and pleasing to the eye 🧡 Her posts are always so perfectly written and curated, and her voice is completely unique. Her reviews are very thoughtful and she frequently advocates for diverse books, which is super important.

Aimee @ Aimee, Always

I just love Aimee‘s blog so much! Such a clean, classy look – and her content doesn’t fall behind. She always has the best discussion posts and her reviews are super colourful and easy to go through. I never get bored!

Middle Grade or Younger

I follow Mandy way back – before Sha had even joined! And now, the two of them together are even better. Their graphics are adorable and I love their Princess rating system so, so much. Super useful for when you want to choose which books to actually read!

New Adult / General Adult

Mel @ Mel To The Any

I admire Mel so much as she does so many things! She’s a blogger, youtuber, instagrammer, gamer… I mean, you name it and this girl does it! I love people who share so many of their interests with the world and I think that’s what makes Mel so well-loved in the community. She’s such a friendly and open person, and she has the best New Adult / Adult reviews.


Sophie @ Beware the Reader

Sophie is a romantic at heart so I really couldn’t choose anyone else for this award 🧡 She reads fantasy (and other genres) as well, but they better have some romance in them! Her reviews always include tons of gushing over certain book boyfriends and ships – and I love fangirling along with her!

Science Fiction / Fantasy

Nicola @ Thoughts on Fantasy

Nicola is so knowledgeable in so many subjects! But she mostly blogs about fantasy and sci-fi fiction. It’s always an absolute pleasure to read her comprehensive posts – recently she’s been dabbling in lists, guides and articles more than reviews, which is super refreshing! She also does guest posts on occasion and everyone she chooses is as interesting and cultured as she is.

Liz @ Cover to Cover

Liz is another fantasy fanatic I love to follow! She reads all kinds of genres, though, so I’m sure you’ll find something of your liking among her ecclectic tastes. Her reviews are always so immersive I end up feeling like I know that book inside out, and want to read it immediately – even if I would never think to pick it up!

Literary Fiction / Classics / Poetry

The Orang-utan Librarian

I feel like I’m making her a disservice by highlighting only a few of the genres that she writes about, but I also know she’s the best person for the job! I swear I’ve never learnt so much about history, politics and general literature as I did with this blogger and I’m always looking forward to her fun and amazing posts. She’s incredibly friendly and has the best orangutan graphics!

Mystery / Thriller

Norrie @ Reading Under the Blankie

The first thing you’ll notice as you step into Norrie‘s lair is that it looks like an awesome and quirky Tumblr blog. But don’t be fooled! Norrie’s favourite books are suspenseful thrillers and badass mysteries, and she’s read too many to be satisfied with just mediocre literature. Thus, you’ll find top quality recs written in a super chill tone. Also, can we talk about that epic title/tagline?

2019 Book Blogger Awards - Best of Book Blogging

Best Book Reviews

Lydia @ 22 Is Still Young Adult

Why aren’t more people following this lovely girl? Honestly, it feels wrong to me. Lydia and I bonded instantly (which is easy to do, considering her fantastic personality) and have been best buddies ever since. She reviews books I probably will never read but for some reason, I adore her posts so much I keep coming back! She has this super distinct writing voice that will pull you in and make you question your bookish values. Truly, you’ll want to read her favourite book – no matter how far from your usual tastes it is!

Best Book Recommendations

Raven @ Dreamy Addictions

Raven reviews A LOT of books – seriously, I don’t know how she does it. Fantasy, sci-fi, contemporary… She does it all! Mostly YA, but also some adult books here and there. Romance, pretty often! Because we share a ton of favourite tropes, I always end up finding a new title to add to my TBR on her blog (and know when to stay away from a certain few, too). This is both a blessing and a curse but hey, I’m not complaining 🤣

Best Discussion Posts

Kelly @ Another Book in the Wall

Kelly always comes up with the best topics! There’s a lot of stuff I sometimes wonder about but never find anyone to discuss it with (or simply forget about it 😅) yet you can bet I’ll find it in Kelly’s blog! Of course, she doesn’t just write about it – she also makes sure to engage with everyone else in the comments, which is just so incredibly considerate.

Best Blog Aesthetic

C.W. @ The Quiet Pond

C.W. didn’t just design her entire blog by herself, she created various characters and even a blog mascot – an Axolotl named Xiaolong – to join her in her bookish adventures. Need I say more??? I remember back in the day when C.W. was more into corgis and I was absolutely 😍😍😍 I’m obviously completely digging her underwater ecosystem now!

Kat @ Novels & Waffles

What to say about Kat that hasn’t been said already by everyone else? I LOVE HER AND HER BLOG. Every time I go there, I start craving all those delicious Belgian waffles and toppings!! 😱😱😱 Seriously, though, Kat’s blog is absolutely amazing – each element was carefully chosen, each banner perfecly designed, an entire aesthetic that will instantly give you heart-eyes. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Best Blogging/Writing Voice

Emma @ Emma Reads Too Much

Emma cracks me up every. Single. Time. I love her emotionally chaotic posts, her fangirling (and her trashing), her bookish breakdowns and her goal-oriented mind. True, she doesn’t always manage to accomplish the tasks she sets for herself, but what usually follows is an hilarious account of what-could-have-beens and ANGRY RANTING so I’m not too bothered. If I need to wind down from a long day and choke on my tea, I know her blog is the place to go.

2019 Book Blogger Awards - Miscellaneous

Most Engaged in the Community

Dani @ Perspective of a Writer

Dani is a gem! First off, she frequently collabs with other bloggers. She’s also super active on social media. She’ll reply to each comment on her blog and most likely follow up with one of her own. She has two special features: Buddy Reads and Dani’s Bulletin Board – in this one, she shares various bloggers’ highlights every week and it’s through her that I end up finding some seriously awesome people! She’s also supported me so much along the way and I couldn’t be more grateful 🧡

Best Social Media Influencer

Shealea @ Shut Up, Shealea

Okay, who doesn’t know Shealea? I know it’s practically impossible, but if you don’t PLEASE GO RECTIFY THAT IMMEDIATELY. Shealea happens to pop up on my various feeds several times a day, always with some new awesome content to share. Her bubbly personality always shines through, and it’s such a pleasure to interact with her! I don’t even need to mention her brilliant blog and content, now do I?

Best Personality

Azia @ The Uncharted Word

I LOVE AZIA 🧡 She’s one my best friends here in the bookish community and we happen to engage in veeeery long convos in our comments sections often. We share tons of similar interests and gush over each others’ reviews like no one’s business. Again, I love Azia and her personality and I want more people to meet her!

Friendliest Member of the Community

Sofii @ A Book. A Thought

Sofii is such a sweetheart! If I had to describe her using only concepts, she’d be rainbows and kittens and cosy blankets. I always feel like throwing heart emojis at her, but have to restrain myself to about one or two every once in a while (we don’t want to spook her!) She’s always there cheering for someone and supporting their content, with love!

Caro @ Bookcheshire Cat

Ah, Caro – another sweetheart! Her posts are just so cute, filled with adorable GIFs, colourful headers and tons of emoji! She’s super kinhdhearted and ready to boost everyone’s favourite content – she’s been supporting me from the very moment we met so she has my eternal thanks 🧡 Her chats make me super happy and able to forget about a not so great day instantly!

Best at Promoting Diverse Books

licia @ A Kernel of Nonsense

Alicia‘s content is truly special! She boosts so many diverse reads and #OwnVoices – ones I would probably never have found out about if not for her. She also has a way with words that makes me want to go read that book right there and then! She’s mostly an advocate for Latinx fiction and non-fiction but you’ll find many other gems in her blog. I like that’s she has a no nonsense (despite the title!) attitude and is very concrete when it comes to her opinions.

2019 Book Blogger Awards - Most Importantly

Best Small Book Blogger (under 1,000 followers)

Cynic on Wings

I discovered this blog fairly recently and honestly don’t know how it has so few followers! Her posts are super well-written and we end up having lengthy discusssions on them often. I love that our tastes match so much, as I can always tell whether I’ll enjoy a book based on her own opinion. We share many gripes, too, which is perfection!

Best Overall Book Blogger

Marie & Nyx @ Drizzle and Hurricane Books

It probably comes to no surprise to anyone that I’ve chosen the lovely Marie (and her sister Nyx) as Best Overall Book Blogger. Marie was one of the first bloggers I met in here and I knew there was something special about her straight away.

She’s super kind and sweet, her posts are always so carefully written, and her blog is just a VISION. Reviews, discussion posts, helpful lists and how-to-blog articles – she has it all! She’s also very active on social media and will be cheering for you every step of the way.

I know if I want a cute summery contemporary or a heart-wrenching story about mental health, she’s the person to go to – and I’m never disappointed. Much, much love for this adorable person 🧡


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The Third Annual 2019 Book Blogger Awards ~ My Nominations (Pinterest)

I hope you enjoyed this post and got to meet some new epic book bloggers! 🙂

To everyone who has either nominated me or shown their love online in the past few weeks/months, thank you so so much ❤ ❤ ❤

You are full-on rockstars!


📖  What are some of your favourite book bloggers?
Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

54 thoughts on “The Third Annual 2019 Book Blogger Awards ~ My Nominations

  1. Aww, this was such a sweet post you made here. It’s wonderful to see how many book bloggers are out there wow! I know a few of them (even follow a few of them) but it’s an amazing tribute you made here. Congrats to all the winners here! 😊(Just don’t forget to add yourself to this list as well 😊😊)


    1. Thank you so much, Michel! 🥰 I’m glad you enjoyed it and I hope you find their content interesting enough to follow.
      I’m really sad I couldn’t include everyone here, as there are so many who deserve the honour just the same! But each and every blogger I interact with (you included!) is so very special to me in their own unique way and I keep you all in my heart ^_^ 🧡
      Awww you’re too unbelievably kind! And same 😛 😛

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha, no worries, if you were to include everyone that would mean a post of more than 1000000 words in all likelyhood 😂😂😂 Well, same here! It’s always great to talk to other bloggers, and for me it’s always been one of the most rewarding things about it😊


  2. Thanks for the nomination, Sophie! You’re one of the sweetest bloggers’ I’ve ever met in the blogosphere. This is really an awesome list! I already follow some of them and would love to check out the others in the list. Thanks for sharing this list! 🙂


  3. Sophie, I love this post so much! Thank you for participating in the awards, and for writing the loveliest things about all the bloggers you nominated. And of course, thank you so so much for nominating me for an award?? I’m so honored, and your words mean the world to me 😭💖


  4. Girrrrrl…I just came here for blog recommendations, so why am I finding myself on this amazing list? 😭 Definitely don’t deserve it, but thank you so much anyway! You are an absolute sweetheart, and you’re a godfind for me myself since I don’t find many people who agree with me on books. Here’s to us finding more gripes in common in the future! 😋❤️


    1. Well, SURPRISE 🤣 You absolutely deserve it and I don’t know why you weren’t listed more because your blog is absolutely amazing? Like, wake up people!
      Aww shush, your bookish soul is certainly a godsend to me as well 🧡🧡 I always look forward to our discussions and reading what you have to say about something (ANYTHING) so yeah, here’s to that 🥂 🥰


  5. Oh my god, thank you! You are the loveliest! I was not expecting to see my name on this list and it has made my day ❤ I've had a bit of a shitty week so seeing your lovely kind words has really cheered me up. I'm so glad we got chatting on here 🙂

    I love these kinds of posts cause I get a whole bunch of new blogs to delve into!

    Also yaaahhs Marie! She really is the ultimate blogger ❤


    1. You are very welcome, you did all the work yourself!! 🥰🥰 Oh I’m so sorry to hear it… But glad I was able to help somehow? You deserve awesome days ONLY, I accept nothing else.
      I hope all of these end up in your faves’ list – I just love their content and personalities. I just wish I had more time to blog hop!
      She is! ^^


    1. Enjoy, Emme! I know I wished I had so much more time to blog hop but unfortunately end up missing so many great posts 😩
      The fact that I’ve only managed to reply now is atrocious (I’m so sorry!!) but hopefully I’ll be able to catch up to everyone today 🧡

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I agree with SO MANY of these! There’s some I haven’t had the chance to follow yet, but I’m sure they all fit wonderfully as well! LILY, KELLY AND SOFII!!! They’re just such lovely people, three people that I’m VERY lucky to call close blogger friends. They make the community such a grand place!
    The Orangutan Librarian is one of the first blogs I followed and honestly … can’t get enough from this blog. The posts are always intriguing and fun!
    I cannot say this enough … MARIE AND NYX’S BLOG IS GOALS!!!!!!!!! Seriously, like … HOW??!! I just love it so much! It’s so unique and original!
    Mandy and Sha are also fabulous … I love Disney Princesses, so i’m kinda jealous I didn’t think of this idea ha-ha!!
    Mel is just … I don’t even know … she’s up to date on EVERYTHING and always reading and always socializing and always posting … she must have clones of herself …. there’s no other way.
    May TRULY deserves recognition … she worked so hard on this! And she’s such a lovely person. I wish I had discovered her blog sooner but at least I have now!
    Thanks for also introducing me to some new bloggers to check out! You did a great job with this post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha I absolutely agree with everything you said! (I have that theory about Mel myself… I mean, it has to be it!!)
      Every blogger mentioned (and a few more I wasn’t able to include here) are absolute gems and deserve the world.
      May needs an extra shout out for all the work and support she’s been providing, sharing the love and just being a lovely human being in general 🥰 Ugh, I LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH 😭😭😭
      Thank you so much, Jenna, you’re way too kind! 🧡🧡🧡

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I know … she’s magical in some way … it’s the ONLY thing that makes sense lmao!

        I wish I could’ve shouted out so many more people! This was such a challenge but in the best way, since it really shows how many bloggers there are in the world!

        And of course!! ❤ ❤


  7. Oh don’t mind me. I’m just over here crying my eyes out like the truly emotional person that I am. BUT SERIOUSLY. THIS MEANS THE WORLD TO ME. 💛💛💛Thank you so much for your kind words, your support, and just… pretty much everything!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Noooo, don’t cry!! *wipes away tears with waffle* You are brilliant and deserve every single word 🧡🧡🧡 I’m just so happy to see you on so many people’s lists, knowing you are getting the recognition you work(ed) so hard for this whole time. Your blog… I mean, your BLOG… God.
      Thank you for being awesome 24/7, Kat 🥰🥰

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Honestly I’m pretty shocked to see me on here Sophie!!! I didn’t get a pingback?! I’m so glad you linked to it on your VR post. Anyway…. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Engaging with others in the book community is such a big deal for me. I’m rather socially awkward in RL so it’s a blessing to be able to hide and yet show myself at the same time… all on the internet!! Meeting all sorts of people, especially readers, is the BEST!! ❤️❤️❤️ GAHHHH thanks again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Whaaa, you shouldn’t be!! You’re absolutely amazing and your blog caters to so many tastes and fandoms, I mean, I don’t think I need to say any more… Not to mention you are an absolute gem of a person and deserve all the love 🥰
      Hahaha I can definitely relate – awkwardness is so much easier to deal with online, and at least people seem to find us endearing somehow? Double win 🤣
      Don’t mention it! 🧡🧡


  9. Omg, SOPHIE. Thank you so so so muchhhhhhhhhh. I was just thinking about how far back we do go, and gosh, I can’t believe it’s been that long. I’ve loved chatting with you, and it’s just so so so kind of you to include us in here. Thank you so so much for the nomination, and the kind wordsssssssss. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I am sorry it took forever for me to come on the blog and thank you on the original post 🙂 ❤ I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the nomination- it came as a huge surprise and I was so warm and fuzzy inside knowing someone thought about my little aul blog… I am hopeless with keeping up with posting regularily, even more so with visiting others so … ah, thank you again, I really, truly appreciate it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s no problem at all! I totally know the struggle ^^’ It shouldn’t have, you and your brilliant blog deserve it so so much 🧡🧡 I understand completely, but the important thing is that you keep enjoying yourself and reading books and yeah, keep up the wonderful work! 😀 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  11. WOW! What a list! I’m going to have to revisit this one when I have more time to check out the other bloggers. I do follow Olivia, and she has so many pictures and videos, I don’t know how she does it with school, travel, etc. These bloggers are serious virtual people. Kudos to them fo their hard work.


  12. Oh gosh thank you so much for sharing my blog!! Really grateful for all your kind words- it means so much ❤ And I absolutely adore so many of the bloggers you included- *love* Nicola’s, Kelly’s, Raven’s, kat’s, Dani’s and Norrie’s blogs too (to name a few) 😀


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