
Soul Ripping Romance Tag

Hey guys! Happy Tuesday 😊

I want to thank Heidi @ Book Lover Blogs for tagging me for this and thus continuing my Valentine’s posting mania. If you’re into all sorts of bookish posts, you should give her blog a read sometime ❤

These are couples that have destroyed me and pieced me back together multiple times. I decided to go for a different type of media yet again, as I already dedicate way too much blog time to books (nothing wrong with that but I like the variety).

Also, this is my first time using GIFs! Let me know what you guys think and whether I should use them more often 🙂


The Guide:

  • Thank the person who tagged you and create a pingback to the original author – Nel at Reactionary Tales.
  • Share at least 5 (but more are welcome) romances that tugged your heart strings. They can be from books, movies, TV shows, manga; anything you can think of! They can be examples of sad tears, angry tears, happy tears or a combination of all three.
  • Nominate 5 (or more) people to share their emotional traumas
  • (Note: Try not to spoil the story for your readers in case they would like to check out these romances on their own)


William and Noora


Aaaargh, these two ❤ ❤ I can’t, I can’t D’: So cute and fluffy I want to die and cry and die some more!

Jasper and Eleanor


Man, what a rollercoaster of a relationship! I had no idea what I was getting into… But damn if I didn’t love every bit of it.

Mon-El and Kara


These two are so sweet and it breaks my heart when something happens to keep them apart T_T Also, they’re together in real life. ‘Nuff said.

Damon and Elena


We all know the whole vampire thing is bound to bring tons of emo-ness. Sexy emo-ness.

Hook and Emma


No one expected this relationship to be easy but c’mon! I SUFFERED.

Rory and Amy



Michael and Sara


These poor little kittens T_T

Jughead and Betty


Why?? Why are they so adorable and broken??

Patrick and Kat


Can you even watch Kat reading her poem without breaking down and crying? I thought so.

**** (in order of appearance) ****
~ SKAM ~ The Royals ~ Supergirl ~ The Vampire Diaries ~ Once Upon a Time ~ Doctor Who ~ Prison Break ~ Riverdale ~ 10 Things I Hate About You ~


I Tag:

Kat Impossible • Jamie @ The Last PageThe Maniacal Book UnicornAngelica @ The Book Cover GirlLauren & Kendra @ Books and BitchesRamblings of a BookwormDani @ Perspective of a WriterWindowsill BooksMarta @ The Book Mermaid  • Quirky and PeculiarReaders RuleSteph @ Lost Purple QuillMeghan @ Meghan’s Whimsical Explorations & Reviews • Joana @ BookneedersKayla’s Book NookEmma @ A Dreamer’s Library

As always, no pressure to do this! 🙂

Thank you so much for reading and until next time!


Do you ship any heart-wrenching couples? Which one made you want to tear at your soul the most? Let me know in the comments below! 。^‿^ 。


84 thoughts on “Soul Ripping Romance Tag

    1. Yeah, I wanted to make sure everyone knew where they were from this time hahaha
      These are all really great shows and 10 Things I Hate About You is a lovely movie from the 90’s. I hope you get around to watching some of them! They’re actually not about romance at all, which is nice. I just enjoy the little romantic moments sprinkled here and there 🙂
      They won’t all be to your liking as some are quite juvenile but there are those who have a great plot and characters to stand behind.
      Thank you for reading, Diana!

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Same here! It’s one of my favourites of all time and it’s in great part due to him ❤️
      I don’t like Barchie at all and I wish the writers would stop messing around with the ships so much! It’s like one second they’re in love with someone and the next they’re kissing someone else… It’s really annoying! Bughead for life 😍 I also love Varchie 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Great tag again. I love it how there is so much diversity in these tags. For a change I actually know a couple of these erm..couples. But yeah love can be a tricky thing. I would add Buffy and Angel to this mix too. I loved the series, and always felt their relationship was quite bumpy. But also one with a lot of heartaches 😊😊
    Great post as always!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Michel! Hahaha well that’s a relief, I’d hate for you to be lost and confused while reading this one 😂
      I didn’t watch too much Buffy but the little I did, I thought they were pretty angsty together (what with the whole enemy thing). So yeah, they could definitely make the list!
      Thank you so much 😊❤️

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh, this looks like so much fun! We love that the romances can be from books, movie, tv shows, etc.! That is awesome! We loved your answers! Thanks for the tag 🙂

    -Ash & Lo

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Great answers! Ahh….Damon and Elena. I think I was in either late high school or early college when I was obsessed with The Vampire Diaries. I loved both brothers for different reasons and could see why Elena had some issues and angst about the two. And Patrick and Kat…ah…I remember them, too. Such a sweet and heartfelt post. Thank you for sharing and doing the tag! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Heidi! Oh yeah… I started really late on TVD. Like, a few months ago. I liked Steffan as well but Damon is just 💕💕 I don’t know, bad boys always win with me 😂
      Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m glad you enjoyed the post 😊 And not at all, it was my pleasure!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I think they have the best story ever told! They are ridiculously perfect. 😍 And, seen how Once Upon a Time is sometimes weirdly and messily written, that says something. 🙃

        I always thought Supergirl was maybe too girly for me, I don’t know why. Now, I want to give it a shot! For Karamel, but also because of what I have seen, Kara is the sweetest. 😊

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Hahaha I absolutely agree. I have no idea what the story is anymore 😂
          I had that same reaction when I watched episode one but afterwards I think it went pretty okay. Again, I haven’t watched too much of it but it seems balanced enough. Definitely not a chick flick! And yeah, Kara is such a joy to watch ❤️❤️

          Liked by 1 person

      1. Have you watched all the episodes in the series of Once Upon a Time? I have watched the first season three times haha.. I like the beginning.. and I have seen the second season two times but I haven’t watched any further after season 3.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I love how you picked TV couples for this tag, and I loved your answers as well. I’m aware of most of these couples (mainly thanks to Tumblr) but the only one I’ve watched is Doctor Who.
    Amy and Rory are probably one of my ultimate OTPs. I loved their relationship throughout the show and seeing their characters go through so much together. Their ending was such a bittersweet one but it was almost happy at the same time right? (At least that’s what I told myself anyways).
    Great picks for this tag, and great post as well. 😀 ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hahaha tumblr is great, especially when it comes to angsty couples 😛
      I loved them so much!! 😭 Yeah I think in the end it had to be that way? And I agree, sad but happy at the same time. It was just so precious! It broke my heart into a million pieces and I have no shame in admitting I cried in that episode. Like, big tears rolling down my face 😅
      Thank you so much, Beth! So glad you enjoyed it ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks a ton for the tag! 😊 It may take me a while, but I’ll definitely be doing it. Looks like a lot of fun.
    I had no clue where the first 2 and last 2 couples were from, and need to catch up on Supergirl. But SOOO agree with you on the Prison Break, Doctor Who, and Once Upon a Time. THE ANGST IS TOO REAL!! 😭

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ah yay!! They are so lovely 😍
      Oh SKAM is actually super cool. And this was my favourite couple from there. I hope you enjoy it if you manage to watch it! It’s kind of like a Norwegian Skins 🙂
      Thank you so much for the nomination! I’ve actually done that one before but I’ll keep it in mind for some other time ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Another brilliant tag! I really liked Emma and Hook as a couple even though I never finished watching the series. I enjoyed their dynamic and I don’t even think I watched far enough to see them become a real couple but I knew of it because of the fandom. I also really liked the Amy and Rory! It was great to have a duo on Doctor Who to accompany the Doctor!

    My recent post: http://oliviascatastrophe.com/2018/03/february-wrap-up-2018/


    1. Thanks so much, Olivia! Yeah, me neither. I still have to catch up on soooo much but I loved them from day one (because I love bickering, love/hate and good/bad couples hahaha)
      I love them too! They were so cute and dorky and just so sweet to watch. I also loved their friendship with the Doctor, so lovely ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  7. So sorry it took me this long to answer, but thank you so much for tagging me, Sophie!! 😀 HOOK AND EMMA (the feels, especially that the tv show is over now )): )


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