Reading Challenges

O.W.L.s Readathon – Week 3

Hello, hello, hello! I hope you guys are having a fantastic Saturday 🙂 Now, please raise your hands if you’re spending it with your nose stuck in a book.

Okay, okay – not all at once! Sheesh.

So. I’m back with this week’s results from the O.W.L.s readathon, which if you know nothing about you can go and read my old post by clicking on the link below:

I am very pleased to inform you all that I have not failed this week! *insert victory dance here* I have read a total of three books, thus continuing onto the path to success.

But will I be able to persevere in the end? Or will I fail miserably and put all my ancestors and fellow bloggers to shame?


Who knows! Stay tuned if you’d like to find out (or to read about me having a bookish mental breakdown – both sound equally entertaining).

Jesus, Soph (you all say) easy on the dramatics… Just get on with it already! Ugh, fine. *clears throat*

Here’s the rundown of this past week:



Ancient Runes: A book with a symbol on the cover. Check! Also, a kickass heroine who meets a kickass outlaw – political conspiracy ensues.

Muggle Studies: Read a muggle non-fiction book. The creator of the KonMari method wants you to put your home, as well as your life, in order by tidying up the right way.

History of Magic: Read a historical fiction. A mysterious wealthy man enters the lives of strangers and old friends, stirring up more trouble than they bargained for.

Soooo I’ve been doing pretty well! You know, for someone who has serious commitment issues.

And also, no, your eyes have not deceived you – I have actually read a classic AND a non-fiction book in the same week!

(I feel an acceptance speech kind of moment coming)


I know what you’re thinking… 3.5 stars? I mean, donuts? That’s not okay.

And you’re right, it’s not! But it was still a good week, even if I was not blown away by any of the books I’ve read.

Yes, even Legend. And yes, I am perfectly fine. I’m just glad I was able to pull through and read all of them, you know?

A small step for me, one giant leap for… My self-esteem?

I should lay off the caffeine. ANYWAY:

How was YOUR reading week?
What are some of the book genres you rarely reach for?
Are you taking part in any readathons?
Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks so much for reading and until next time!



65 thoughts on “O.W.L.s Readathon – Week 3

    1. Hahaha they are pretty much hit or miss for me! These two fell kind of in between though…

      It’s all right! I think it might have been because I listened to the audiobook kind of a bit under pressure as I wanted to finish it that day, so yeah it might have affected the whole experience :/

      I definitely plan to continue the series! Everyone says the sequels get better so I’m looking forward to it 🙂

      I recommend you try it, nevertheless. It’d be cool to see what you thought about it! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Haha: congratulations and you made another wonderful speech, erm post for it! Loved what you did with the gif there! 😂😂 It’s a shame the books weren’t all that great, but am still glad to hear that you have had a good week😊 Lol, and I definitely don’t think that you should lay off the caffeine, not when you make these kinds of posts! 😊
    Looking forward to the next one, and good luck with the rest of the challenge 😊


    1. Hahaha aw you’re the greatest, as always ❤️ Thanks for putting up with the crazy 😂😂😂

      I don’t usually use gifs but I love when posts I read have them so I figured it worked both ways! Gotta give back to the community hahaha (except when pictures with extremely witty captions are available – in that case, I’d prefer those 😉😜)

      Oh I’m not so sure about THAT but I’ll try it again sometime just to see how it goes 😄

      Thank you so much for the continuing support, you rock 🤗❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha, well no problem at all! And I would never call you crazy! 😊😊
        I hardly use gifs myself, bit sometimes they really can be really funny to use once in a while. This one definitely was! 😂😂
        And ofcourse, no problem at all! 😊😊


        1. Oh I am a bit at times… But overall a sane enough kid hahaha

          I think gifs are pretty cool and certainly handy to make posts more engaging. But I’ve seen cases where the blogger does a bit tooooo overboard and the overall effect is not good 😂😂😂

          Aw thanks so much, I’m glad you think so! Your feedback is, as always, very much appreciated 😊❤️

          Liked by 1 person

    1. You are a very smart lady 😂😂😂

      I honestly don’t know how I managed. They were not the easiest to get into or to finish, so I count myself a warrior after this week hahaha

      Thank you so much, Kelly! ❤️❤️ One more week to go, so fingers crossed 🤞

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  2. Ah a 3.5 for Legendary is fair I think! The last book is my favorite, honestly. Do you think you’ll continue with the series though?

    And congrats on reading a classic! Voluntarily, I might add 😂 It’s so hard to read classics when you’re not personally drawn to that sort of literature or when you’re not forced to read them while in school lol. Most of the classics I read were on my syllabus. But there’s been a couple I’ve read willingly since leaving uni. Farenheight 451 for example. A lot better than I thought it would be! I agree that Great Gatsby is a 3.5 read, too. But hey! At least you managed to finish it, and even like it enough LOL

    Hope your next reads are amazing!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I definitely will! I think it might be one of those books where I’ll have to read the physical copy instead of the audiobook though to get a more balanced experience.

      I knoowww! Thank you 😁❤️ I rarely reach out for classics unless they really really spark my interest. I want to read East of Eden and some du Maurier soon but otherwise don’t really have any inclination towards other titles.

      I’m glad you liked Farenheight 451! I think what we read in school is rarely an enjoyable experience just because it feels so forced and mechanical – unless you have a terrific teacher, you’re bound to feel like it’s still a chore rather than reading for pleasure unfortunately :/ But I’m more than willing to try classics from now on though I’m also more than willing to DNF them at the first sign of trouble 😂😂😂

      Thank you, darling! 💕💕

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      1. I had to read East of Eden the summer before 11th grade and I thought I would hate it but no! It is one of my FAVORITE classics I’ve ever read. So dynamic, dramatic, and entertaining. I hope you love it if you ever get around to it.

        Yeah, that’s true. Surprisingly I did like most of the classics I read in class, though having them assigned as homework or classwork still made reading a good book feel like a chore. Though I’m kind of thankful for it? I don’t think I’d ever pick up a classic if I hadn’t been forced to read it in class 😂

        It’s kind of fun to see which classics will jive with you. I think many classics are more relevant and enjoyable than I thought they ever could be! Though DNFs are never out of the question when they aren’t LOL

        No worries 💕


        1. Aaahh that’s so cool!! I’m even more excited to read it now ❤

          Yeah I get what you mean – sometimes when I force myself or am forced to read something I was sure would never want to pick up, I end up pleasantly surprised 🙂

          I agree! I don't have too many of those moments but they sure make me the happiest 😁

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  3. I bow down to your incredible ability to read a non-fiction book AND a classic in the same week! Holy buckets. I don’t know if I could ever do that. Unless it was a short classic. Or, perhaps a non-fiction photographic biography? Yeah. I could do that. XD

    You’re making amazing progress, Sophie! What’s next on your OWL TBR? I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us!


    1. Well I consider The Great Gatsby short so that’s why I chose it hahaha But it was still a book I wasn’t having too much fun with. Would have probably DNF if it wasn’t on my list 😂

      Yeah if the subject appeals to you I suppose it’ll be easier. I’m a very organising oriented sort of person and also love Japanese stuff so I thought this one would be perfect! Turns out it wasn’t but it was still good, just a bit too redundant in my opinion.

      Thank you so much! ❤️ Next I’ll be reading I, Robot, Stardust by Neil Gaiman, and The Mermaids of Lake Michigan. I’m excited! 😀 (but also kind of nervous hahaha)

      I really hope you enjoy the next – and final – OWLs post! 😊💕

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      1. I can understand about picking a short classic and powering through. I have to be in the right mood for classics — otherwise I just won’t care. There’s something about the writing style which is always challenging for me to get into. I’m sorry The Great Gatsby didn’t quite meet your expectations!

        I really enjoyed reading I, Robot. It have me a LOT to think about. I don’t know your reading style well enough, but keep pushing through if you’re struggling. Asimov tends to give his robots more personality than his human characters. I’d love to chat with you about it once you finished that collection. I hope you’ll review it on your blog!

        Good luck with your final week of OWLs! You’re almost there!


  4. Uh, bummer you didn’t really like any of the books.
    I suffered through Great Gatsby, cuz it’s classic and whatnot, but damn, i hated it 🙈. I normally dnf stuff like that.

    Hopefully your next book will be awesome! 😁

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    1. Yeah I know… But I wasn’t expecting to love all of the titles on my list and it was bound to happen sooner or later.

      Yeah, same. I mean, I liked it in places but I would probably have DNF as well if it wasn’t for the readathon. It just wasn’t grabbing me at all… But I felt there wasn’t anything really wrong with it, just my personal taste I guess. Or my mood. Or both 🤷‍♀️

      Hopefully! Let’s see 😁❤️

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  5. WOW How did I not even know about this??? I love anything Harry Potter and Love what you have done here with your O.W.L.S. 🙂 I didn’t read much this week because I did a move and everything and so I only got a couple of books read. But hopefully I will make it up this week. Have fun with this read a thon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh I came to know about it super late in the game as well (like four months later? 😂) so don’t worry, we’re all on the same boat hahaha

      Yeah moving can be so chaotic and time consuming it’s hard to find any free slots to fit reading… I hope it went well, though, and that you get to read tons this week 😊

      Thanks so much, hon! ❤️


  6. YAY you did such a great job! 😀 I’m a bit sad that you didn’t rate Legend a bit higher, but then again, if I remember right, I think I may have rated this book the same 😂😂 I’ve heard that the series just gets better and better though, so I’m looking forward to reading more! Are you going to continue the series? 😀

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  7. I also rarely reach for non-fiction, and I also almost never reach for literary fiction or crime fiction – though occasionally I force myself to branch out a bit and try something highly recommended from one of those genres. Sometimes I am pleasantly surprised, sometimes not, but I always feel good for having read or attempted something different! It sounds like you feel similarly, even if those books didn’t blow you away.

    I’ve been in two minds for a while about whether to read Legend or not due to the mixed reviews. I have a feeling that it’s not my kind of thing… but maybe I’ll give it a go one day, who knows. Will be curious to see your review if you write one!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pretty much the same here… The only thing coming close to that are paranormals, which sometimes involve solving crimes. And those, I love!

      I think it’s important to branch out, surely, but never force ourselves to do it JUST to be diverse. If you don’t enjoy a book or genre, you shouldn’t have to read it. Period.

      I found Legend very average, to be honest. It was fun and action-packed and clever in places but not much different from all the other dystopias I’ve read before. Or maybe the audiobook just wasn’t that good. Or I wasn’t in the mood. Or… I don’t know. I might give the written version a chance sometime in the future but right now I’m not too impressed. It was entertaining and I enjoyed it but was not blown away by it.

      So really, it’s a matter of personal choice. I will try to write a review at some point, I just wasn’t too sure about my feelings (and I’m still not) so that’s why I didn’t bother to do it. I might wait for the re-read 🙂

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      1. Ah true, crime-paranormal blends are quite common, and I often enjoy those too!

        And good point, people shouldn’t be reading things they don’t enjoy. I guess there’s always a reason I read a non-fav-genre book beyond just being diverse (e.g. because it’s been highly recommended or is a much-talked about classic that intrigues me). It’s just that when I’m choosing what to read next from my TBR I almost always go for the fav genre ones… so I have to push myself to occasionally go for one of the others, and I’m usually happy when I do (and if I’m not I give up on the book). But yes I wouldn’t force myself to read lots of random books I have no interest in just to feel diverse.

        And fair enough, if you’re not really sure how you feel about it it would be hard to write a review – no pressure! (I also often wonder if my mood or the audiobook affected my opinion of some books). I think the average-ness is maybe what I picked up on in other reviews that made me hesitant – I’ve read so many YA dystopias now that it has to be a really interesting or different one to grab me.


        1. Hahaha I’m the same way! And that’s honestly fine… So long as we do try something different every once in a while to make sure we’re not missing out 🙂

          I wonder about that ALL the time! And I think someone who’s read tons of dystopias would definitely not be impressed with this one… It’s just more of the same, even if some bits were indeed pretty good.

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  8. Congrats on your week Sophie! I am not a classic fan but I do recall reading The Great Gatsby on High School and I would have rated it the same as you 😉

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  9. Yes, you deserve an award. If I ever read a classic and non-fiction book in the same week, I’d buy myself a cupcake. I wasn’t a huge fan of Legend myself, but ended up picking up her other series (The Young Elites) and ended up enjoying it more. Hope you have a really good upcoming reading week!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Oh you’re making great progress in this readathon Sophie! 🙂 It’s great you’ve not fallen behind but even if you had I’m sure you would have been able to catch up before the end. 🙂 I’m definitely amazed you managed to read a classic and non fiction book in the same week. Neither of those are my genre so I wouldn’t have been able to do it, but I have read The Great Gatsby myself and liked it so I’m glad you did too.
    Great post and good luck with the rest of this readathon. :)❤️


    1. Thank you, Beth! ❤

      Oh you have too much faith in me xD But I'm indeed glad to not have the weight of an extra book on my shoulders! I think three are my maximum per week.

      They are not my genre either and I rarely go for them! So it might never happen again hahaha But I'm glad it did at least once.

      I gave The Great Gatsby three stars but it was definitely not a favourite! It was okay, but I got really bored at some parts… Ugh 😦 I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it more though!

      Thank you again, lovely 🙂 ❤

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      1. That’s all right, and yeah actually I feel like three would be my maximum as well. 🙂
        At least you can say you have tried it, I wouldn’t be able to even say that.
        Ehh, I haven’t read it in a while, so my thoughts may have changed. I picked it up right after I saw the movie so overall I did quite like it.
        That’s all right. 🙂 ❤


        1. The movie was a lot more entertaining I think. But I also think I would have liked it better had I not read the book first because it literally followed the plot almost to a T and didn’t leave much room for speculation hahaha
          It was surprisingly quirky and beautiful, too!

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  11. Wohoo! I love it when I see people enjoying a challenge and kicking its butt! You are inspiring me to maybe try a challenge during my busier time periods just to keep up the momentum. I think that reading a classic deserves some kind of a badge! There are so many that I have yet to read. Good luck this week. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha thank you! 🙂
      Aw I’d love to see you joining something similar and be able to check on your progress along the way, too! It’s no fun being the only one 😛
      Classics are such a hit or miss for me… I have to tread veeeery carefully.
      Thank you, hon ❤ I hope you have a lovely week yourself!


  12. I’ve always been meaning to check out The Great Gatsby. People have vouched for its writing style way too often throughout my life. I’m glad that your readathon has helped you in finally reading it though! And to also be so successful in being on task about it all! Hopefully you fall on a 5 donuts book soon though! I need to see some gushing from Sophie! 😛 Happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I honestly didn’t find it thaaat compelling, though I do have to say the writing style wasn’t bad at all, the book just didn’t pull me in as a whole and it might have been just my mood at the time – which was definitely not aimed at classics xD

      Hahaha thanks so much, Lashaan! I sure hope it continues to go well. So far so good, I’ve only one book left to read which is I, Robot – one you have told me you like so I’m feeling positive!

      Again, thank you ❤ Your encouragement means a lot 🙂 And I certainly hope to be gushing about some books soon! 😀

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      1. I haven’t read I, Robot though. I just appreciate Asimov’s great mind. I loved his Foundation trilogy, and would definitely recommend that one for those who are looking for a story with huge ideas that spans over generations. I have I, Robot on my TBR and know that it’s praised for its ideas, again, but it has things that might not work too well. Hopefully you’ll have a good time with it though! 😀


        1. Ah I see! I was under the impression you had, for some reason (maybe because you strike me as the type of mind who would appreciate Asimov’s 😉 )
          I, unfortunately, have decided against reading I, Robot and instead go for another, shorter novel. It was panic, pure and simple, but I will most definitely keep it in mind for later!
          And yes, I did have a good time thank you 😀 ❤

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  13. Why in the world did I not know about this read-a-thon?? Highly disappointed in myself.
    I loved Legion but it seems like a lot of people weren’t too keen on it.
    I hope you have a great rest of your read-a-thon! Great post!

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    1. I DON’T KNOW GIRL BUT YOU MUST DO IT D: Even if it’s a bit late, who cares, it’s fun and everyone should try it!

      I guess I would have loved it a few years ago but after reading so many similar books I’m a bit fed up with the concept maybe. That or the audiobook sucked big time hahaha

      Thank you so much, hon! Hope you get aroud to doing an HP readathon or at least something similar in the future ❤

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  14. Hi Sophie! Good job on being on track with your readathon! That’s awesome that you‘ve read a variety of books as well. I agree that there are books that I enjoy that I’m not blown away by (which I would also give 3-3.5 stars haha). Keep it up 🙂

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    1. Thank you so much, Sophie! I feel like this readathon has been the best because of that too, I would probably never have picked these books up otherwise which would be a shame!

      3.5 stars is still quite good in my mind – it’s the 2 and 1 stars that are bothersome. Unfortunately, we can’t just avoid the bad books and read the awesome ones at first glance 😥

      Thank you, lovely! ❤ I'll certainly try ^^

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      1. Yes! 3.5 or even 3 are considered above average in my mind (average is 2.5 haha). The 1 and 2 stars are the disappointing ones but thankfully I haven’t come across too many so far 🙂 it is hard to avoid but the good books make up for it!

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    1. Thank you so much, Laura! I needed the encouragement hahaha ❤

      I don't know… I must have been possessed by some evil genius who thought it would be a great idea to read two of my least favourite genres in the world in the same week for NO REASON AT ALL XD But at least it went well 😅

      Thank you again, hon ❤ Just posted the wrap up and (spoiler alert) I did well! 😁

      Liked by 1 person

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