Reading Challenges

O.W.L.s Readathon – Week 2

Hey everyone! 😃 How’s your weekend going?

Today I bring you another update on my readathon progress. It’s very promising so far, and I’m very happy with it – happy that I’ve managed to stay on schedule, happy that I’m reading more, happy that I’ve managed to make friends along the way (!) and mostly just happy to be more active in the community.

You can refer to my previous post if you’d like to know more:

You guys know how M.I.A. this girl can get from time to time and believe me, I hate it. But alas, real life keeps pulling me away from social media and blog hopping, which are two of my favourite pastimes…

But at least now I’m spending more time reading? That’s a plus, right?

So here’s a brief summary of what happened this week:



Transfiguration: A book that deals with transfiguration/shapeshifting or similar theme OR A book with a cat on the cover. A spunky mercenary investigates the murder of her guardian while dealing with shapechangers and other magical beings.

Care of Magical Creatures: A book that includes magical creatures OR Features a magical creature on the cover. Short snippets featuring Percy Jackson’s characters in new and unseen adventures.

Defense Against the Dark Arts: A book about/featuring secret societies/clubs. Jane, the new girl in Suburbia, becomes friends with three other Janes and the four of them start a secret and revolutionary art club.

I’m also now two hours away from finishing Legend (for Ancient Runes), which is exciting! And I just started it last night too. But that’s audiobooks for you!

I know some of you are against that sort of thing but GUYS, you NEED to try audiobooks. They are amazing, time-savers and absolutely delightful. Well, most of them anyway.

My friend Steph has been relying on them for this readathon as well and I thought why not? I love audiobooks and they’ll probably allow me to read a lot more than I usually am able to. Which, so far, has proved true.

But anyway, enough about me!

How has your reading week been going?
Do you usually listen to audiobooks or are they a big no-no?
Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks so much for reading and until next time!



54 thoughts on “O.W.L.s Readathon – Week 2

  1. I never read a Ilona Andrews book but I’ve heard great things about her. I really want to check out her Inn chronicles series. Have you read it? The Legend has been on my TBR for ages but I haven’t gotten around to it yet. I’m glad to hear that you’re enjoying it so far. Audiobooks are pretty much no for me because they never work out for me.
    Happy reading! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh you must! This is my first one and it grabbed me from the very beginning – also, it’s the perfect read for Halloween if you’re feeling like trying spooky reads in October 😉

      I have not read that series, no, but I have to check it out! I have a really good feeling about this author – like I’ll pretty much enjoy everything she writes hahaha

      Oh, I understand… They’re not for everyone! At first I wasn’t a big fan either but gradually became one 🙂 Though there’s still situations where audiobooks will not work for me at all.

      Thank you, and you too, lovely! ❤


  2. Yay for making friends! I hope you enjoy Legend – I read it last month and really loved it! In fact, I’m currently reading the final book in the trilogy right now. I’m so not surprised at the Illona Andrews rating as well. That author can do no wrong with her writing, world building and amazing character development 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Indeed!! I am enjoying Legend a lot so far 🙂 I don’t know how the ending will make me feel but I’m excited 😀

      Oh I look forward to seeing the reviews for that! It might take a while before I continue with the series though, as I want to focus on the readathon list for now…

      Ilona Andrews is a literary genius hahaha I’d forgotten how much fun I had with paranormals and she came at just the right time to remind me ❤ I honestly can't wait to continue the series! And I couldn't agree more, she's hit all the right spots for me too 🙂

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  3. I really hope you’re enjoying Legend! That series is actually my favorite from Marie Lu so far! And audiobooks! Now I see why so many bloggers swear by them. I finally gave it a try last year when listening to Red Sister. That was okay but now I’m listening to an audiobook of The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black and I’m LOVING it. Much love to the public libraries for free loans of audiobooks LOL. It’s so convenient, especially when you’re busy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I am! I’m almost finished, and will probably be done this afternoon 🙂 I’m excited!

      Audiobooks can be quite hit or miss… I’m glad you managed to find an awesome one! 😀 I did try one by Holly Black as well, The Cruel Prince, and I basically listened to it in a single day. Maybe that was too much? xD Because I wasn’t a big fan of it. So I don’t know, maybe it was the book, maybe it was me… But I migh try the actual book sometime just to be sure!

      Hahaha absolutely! Libraries are any broke bookworm’s best friend ❤ I'm a very practical person so I'm all about what can save me time, money and annoyance xD

      Happy to hear you're an audiobook advocate like me, Azia 😁

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      1. Wow! Enjoy the rest of the book (which you’ve already probably finished by now lol)

        And they really can. Just gotta get that narrator voice right haha. And please do try the actual book. Sometimes there’s a disconnect from having someone else tell you the story and allowing yourself to tell the story in your head. So maybe if you read it, the experience could be better. (If you couldn’t tell, I loved The Cruel Prince, and I’m desperately trying to make a case for it 😂)

        They truly are. Sometimes I forget that they have so many resources for us broke bookworms haha. But yeah, libraries are life/money-savers.

        It feels good to join the ranks of audiobook advocates 😉


        1. I did finish it this morning hahaha (I would have done it last night but some stuff got in the way ugh)

          I think there are so many factors that affect a reader’s experience, it’s hard to pinpoint them all! But I will try the book itself (eventually) just to be safe 😊

          Hahaha I could tell 😂😂😂 And I certainly will make the effort for you because you’re the coolest and you obviously know what you are talking about 😉

          Welcome to our humble abode! We have cookies 😁💕

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  4. Plain Janes actually sound like something i’d enjoy! ❤ (And no, it's not because my favourite burger is called Plain Jane, nope… 😀 )
    I don't read many graphic novels, but they are something i want to get into a bit more. Just not into the superhero kind…

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    1. I think so too! It didn’t do too much for me, but I might need to read more issues before forming an opinion.

      I don’t either, but I kept hearing about this one and thought it would be good for the readathon 🙂 (short and sweet hahaha)

      Let me know what you think of it if you end up reading it!

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  5. Another good progress!!
    yeps, totally count that you read more than usual ! I should start to do that too …. I only ever read in the middle of the night; very few days would I do so in daylight. Go you !!

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    1. Thanks so much, Kristina! *hugs* You’re lovely and the cheerleader I needed hahaha

      Yeah you should try reading at different times and see what works best for you. Also, audiobooks help read more 😋

      I’m very happy with three books per week but I might try and go even further! I’m cheering for you too so go go go 😀

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      1. woohoo !!
        yes, no doubt, it should help alot! im just .. generally still lost in that. ahah I don’t know whom to pick and what if I pick badly my first one and don’t enjoy it ?! im easily distracted reading paper/ebooks so audio.. idk :/


  6. Well this post has cinched it, I need to start reading audiobooks. 🙂 I keep meaning to but I never seem to get around to it, I guess I’m trying to find a book that’s good as an audiobook as well (so with a good narrator) and I wouldn’t know where to begin finding recommendations.
    It seems like you’re making great progress on your readathon Sophie. I’m so glad to see you loved Magic Bites, and I hope you enjoyed the rest of Legend too, or are enjoying it if you haven’t finished yet! 😀 ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes you do! I agree that not all are good and there’s a lot of trial and error involved but it’s so worth it when you find THAT audiobook that completely takes your breath away ❤️

      I don’t have an extensive list of audiobooks that I love but off the top of my head I highly recommend Neil Gaiman’s. He reads them himself and it’s just this transcendent experience… I can’t explain, but I love his voice and interpretation to bits. I’ve heard Stephen Fry is phenomenal as well.

      Thank you, Beth 😊❤️ Oh I finished Legend this morning, it was quite a ride! Though I really enjoyed it there were still some things that felt a bit flat to me… I don’t know. But I will definitely read the sequels. I’m under the impression that they get better so fingers crossed! 🤞🤞

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      1. That’s why I’m waiting. I need to find the perfect audiobook for my first listen of one. 🙂
        Ohh, I do have some Neil Gaiman books I need to read, I’ll definitely keep that rec in mind, thanks Sophie. ❤️
        That’s all right, and that’s good about Legend but the good news is the series in my opinion definitely does get better so I’m sure you’ll enjoy the second and third books more! 😀

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  7. I’m so happy to see you’re making progress here and yay for reading so much, this impresses me so much haha. I am impatient to hear your thoughts about Legend, I read and really enjoyed this book 😀
    Happy reading!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Marie! You’re too sweet ❤️❤️

      Hahaha I impressed myself, to be honest! I can never be this disciplined 😂

      I’m not sure if I’ll do a full review at one point, maybe just on GR, but I can tell you that I very much enjoyed it! It’s not a five star read but it’s a solid four stars. I loved June and her quick and analytical mind. I loved the star-crossed lovers kind of vibe. I loved the plot twists and plot in general. It was such a fast paced read! But there were a few things that fell flat to me… Though overall, I was quite engaged! I can definitely see why it’s so hyped and I look forward to the sequels 😀

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  8. oh wow this readathon is so creative and interesting! also the format of this post is just 😍. i love your graphics. good luck with the rest of the readathon!!

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  9. Am I seeing things wrong, or maybe did you eat them donuts before publishing, but did you give a Riordan book less than 3 donuts???? Who would’ve thought! 😛 As someone who has only seen love given to the guy and his books, and who hasn’t read anything by him, that’s definitely interesting! 😀

    I am glad to see you around so much more nowadays. It’s definitely so, so refreshing to see Sophie in the comment section of so many people nowadays. I’m glad that life has offered you this opportunity to enjoy what you love and hopefully life won’t take it back and strip us of your presence in the online world! 😛

    Hope Marie Lu’s book is a good one for you. Happy reading, Sophie! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha oops? 😂 (I can’t resist those donuts, man, I just can’t!)

      You know, I like Riordan, or at least did when I first read his books. But this one was just so… Meh. Like, barely passable. I was so disappointed! It felt like he hadn’t made much of an effort with this book at all. So yeah, even though I generally enjoy his writing, this was definitely not his brightest moment…

      I know, I love it too! I love to be able to blog hop a lot more and get to read so many posts 😀 And I certainly hope it stays that way hahaha

      It was certainly enjoyable, but not my favourite… I need to continue the series and see if it wins a place in my heart.

      Thanks so much, Lashaan! And the same to you as well ^_^

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  10. I really love audiobooks! I always add them into my schedule for books that I don’t have time to read because they are so versatile for when you’re on the go. I am so happy that you enjoyed Legend. Marie Lu is one of my favourites. Good luck with the rest of your challenge. 🙂

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  11. OMG I HOPE YOU TOTALLY LOVE LEGEND! It’s one of my favorite series to date. ♥ Also I really need to give audiobooks a shot. Do you have any tips for people who suck at multi-tasking? XD I tried to listen to the first HP audiobook a few years ago, but couldn’t multitask because I end up not listening, then I ended up falling asleep before I hit the 10-minute mark. D:

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I did enjoy Legend, but I didn’t love it… I don’t know, maybe I need to read the rest of the series before it becomes a favourite!

      You most certainly do 😀 I think the trick is to listen to audiobooks while doing what I call “brain-dead tasks” e.g. cleaning, cooking, commuting… Anything that doesn’t require too much focus is perfect for that, because not only will it make any chore a bit more bearable but it will also allow you to progress without giving up your responsibilities. Relaxing in bed or colouring are also pretty good times for that.

      I’m terrible at focusing too so I can relate to your struggle! But these have been working for me. I hope they do for you too! 🙂

      In the end, though, it very pretty much depends on your mood/type of story/narrator. There are some where I just can’t get into no matter what…


  12. I have read Legend and really enjoyed it. I still have yet to read book 2 and 3 of the series. Hope that book will be a 5 stars for you! 🙂 Looks like another successful week.. with you reading through many books!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Unfortunately, it wasn’t… But I’m still not totally sure how I feel about it? It’s either a 3.5 or 4 star read but definitely not a 5 star read 😦 I’m hoping the sequels will be better, though! Everyone says so.

      It was hahaha And I’m really glad to be doing so well ^^ ❤

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  13. I LOVE audiobooks. In fact, I often find that I’m reading a physical book, an ebook, a physical audiobook (aka compact discs) and a digital audiobook. It’s a lot happening at once, but I find I’m never without a book! I love being able to read when I do laundry or go for a run or whatever. Audiobooks are the best. Do you listen to them at regular speed? I don’t understand people who listen to them a 1.5 speed or whatever. Mind blown.


    1. Hahaha oh my, that’s what I call good organisational skills! 😁 Please teach me how to do that because I would literally mix all the books up and have no idea what each of them was about by the end 😂😂😂

      I’m never without a book either. I try to take advantage of every available time slot I have to catch up on some reading, especially now that I’m doing a readathon. Every precious moment counts!

      Yay, glad to hear it!! You know, it depends. Some narrators are definitely too slow for me (or rather, for the voice in my head) so I speed them up. I never go beyond 1.4 though, that’s my limit hahaha Those people amaze me and scare me at the same time! 🤣

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      1. Hahaha. It’s surprisingly simple for me, but that’s because I tend to read such different books at once. For example, right now I’m listening to a non-fiction book about nutrition and diet (How Not to Die), reading a non-fiction book about the Great Lakes (The Death and Life of the Great Lakes), reading a contemporary-fantasy book about people with extraordinary powers (Vicious) and listening to a science fiction novel (The Stars my Destination). They are all so different I can easily pull myself from one zone to another. I don’t often have a chance to read any of these back-to-back, either. I think the separation helps quite a bit.

        I can understand if you feel a narrator is moving too slowly for you. I recognize listening to an audiobook takes MUCH longer than if I’d read it to myself. That said, I find once voices turn unnatural sounding because they are being sped up, I tend to space out. I just don’t like how they sound! Do you ever notice that when you speed up the audio? Or is that just me?


        1. Ah I see! The trick is to read very different books, I suppose hahaha

          I don’t usually find the speeding up makes voices unnatural, or at least, not pleasant to the ear. But it really depends on the narrator and usually I only speed them up to a fairly normal rythmn – they are usually so slow they sound like they’re speaking to a child! It annoys me xD

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  14. Great you’re enjoying this readathon – it looks like a good way to read more books! And I know what it’s like to be M.I.A. when it comes to blogging, sometimes it’s just unavoidable… but I think what matters is coming back to it whenever you do get time.

    As for audiobooks: I absolutely adore them! It might sound silly but they really changed my reading life. My yearly Goodreads goal would be halved without them, and I just love listening to books. Occasionally I get a not-so-great narrator or a confusing book and the experience isn’t as good… but most of the time it’s the best. So I’m happy you are championing them too 🙂


    1. Thank you so much, Nicola! ❤ Yeah absolutely… Unfortunately, blogging makes for a very small part of ours lives so gotta do what we gotta do I guess!

      Yay to loving audiobooks! No you don't sound silly at all, I feel the exact same way 🙂 I have never read so much xD And yeah they're not all great but the few times you do get a brilliant one that makes the whole experience absolutely magical make up for all the others so it's okay ❤

      Oh I will continue to do so until the day I die! (ugh I'm getting all dramatic again – forgive me xD)

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    1. I never would have either (it has a horrible cover, for one!) but the story is truly hilarious and engaging, and the characters are just so spirited and interesting.

      It had been a while since I’d had that much fun 🙂 I truly recommend it if you like paranormals with tons of action and witty dialogue. Though I have to warn you, it is a bit on the gory side…

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  15. I don’t really like audiobooks. They aren’t my thing. I feel like I would zone out instead of listening but the people who can do it, I applaud them.


    1. Yeah I feel it takes some practice until one can get used to them… I used to zone out A LOT at first and I still do if the book isn’t gripping enough or the narrator sucks or I’m doing something that requires too much focus… Basically, there’s a lot more work involved hahaha But sometimes it’s totally worth it 🙂
      I get you, though, and if you don’t like it you shouldn’t force yourself to listen to them. Books are books! What matters is that you enjoy your experience 😉


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