
Book Blogger Insider Tag

Hello my lovelies! Welcome back 🙂

I hope you’re all ready for another tag where I basically spill all my blogger secrets… And you learn how much of an absolute mess I am? ^^’

I was tagged by two awesome girls: Jess @ Beaucoup Books and Sam @ Rivermoose Books – thank you so much! Please do check out their blogs for some amazing bookish content ❤


1. Answer the questions below
2. Credit the creator Jamie @ALittleSliceofJamie
3. Tag at least 5 people
4. Have fun!

1. Where do you typically write your blog posts?

At my desk, on my laptop.

2. How long does it generally take you to write a book review?

The writing process usually doesn’t take long. About half an hour to one hour. Notes help a lot with this. It’s the whole editing bit that stretches it into roughly two to three hours.

3. When did you start your book blog?

I posted for the first time on June 16th, 2016. But WP always wishes me a happy anniversary on a different month so I’m assuming I created my account at a different time… I don’t remember what it is, though.

4. What is the worst thing about having a book blog in your opinion?

I think the worst thing is definitely creating a posting schedule and being consistent with my content. I’m someone who loves structure and organization but fails miserably at it, so it’s a struggle hahaha

5. What is the best thing about having a book blog in your opinion?

Everything else? I mean, the sharing of opinions and experiences, the connection with other bloggers, the learning something new everyday, the constant flux of recs… You name it! I love that I’ve made so many friends here and that so many people have read/enjoyed my posts, it’s something I had never dreamed of. So thank you! ❤

6. What blog post have you had the most fun writing so far?

I’m not sure… I always end up having fun with every post, but maybe tags? Because they’re more interactive and creative and a lot more engaging?

7. What is your favourite type of blog post to write?

I personally love writing reviews and that’s what made me want to start blogging in the first place. But, like I said, tags are usually super fun too.

8. When do you typically write?

I usually write my posts in the morning, when I have the time. I feel like my head’s fresher and my thoughts are clearer than if I were to write at the end of the day, when I’m tired and not my best.

9. Do you review every book you read?

I try to but of course that doesn’t happen. I have tons of books that I haven’t even rated and that’s bad because I don’t remember if I liked them or not xD I also have a lot more reviews on Goodreads than on the blog.

10. How do you write your book reviews? With a cup of coffee or tea? With Netflix? Cuddled with your fur baby?

I usually like to have some tea and something to eat (chocolate chip cookies are my favorite). I need quiet when I’m writing/reading so no TV, but sometimes I like instrumental music as background noise.

11. When do you write your book reviews? Right after finishing the book? Two weeks after finishing the book?

I try to get around to them at least three days after I’m done with the book. Sometimes I don’t feel ready to write down my thoughts right away because my enthusiasm/dread are a bit too high so I like to mull over it for a while before forming a concrete opinion. That way, my reviews become a lot more rational and not just pure emotion.

12. How often do you post?

Ideally, I would like to post twice a week. But that doesn’t always happen, and sometimes I’ll only post once a week. It depends on how busy I am and whether I have something in mind to write about or not.


I Tag:

BookstormGirl • Lilly @ LairofBooksHeidi @ BookLoverBlogsKristin @ Kristin Kraves BooksKate @ Melting Pots and Other CalamitiesMelanie @ Mel to the AnyAnna @ My Bookish DreamKiersten @ Once Upon a SpineRendz @ Reading with RendzInge @ The Belgian ReviewerLaura @ The Book CorpsDrew @ The Tattooed Book GeekPages UnboundPryiasha @ Books and CO. • Alaina @ An Infinite Book World • Sam @ Sam’s Little Corner • Marisa @ Marisa the Redhead • Mandy @ Book Princess ReviewsPanic at the Bookstore • Claire @ BooksCoffeeandRepeat • The Bookcover GirlRoyal Reader Cassiopeia’s Moon

As always, no pressure to do this! 🙂

Thank you so much for reading and until next time!


Did you enjoy this tag? Let me know what some of your answers would be! 。^‿^ 。


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