
Unpopular Opinions Book Tag


Hey guys! Hope you’re all having a lovely week 🙂

So I was tagged by the wonderful Irena @ Books and Hot Tea to do this tag and I thought it would be… Interesting, to say the least, as I do have a lot of unpopular opinions!

Please check out her blog if you haven’t yet! It has tons of bookish posts and a lot of other awesome diverse content. Thank you so much, Irena! ❤




Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire. At the time, everyone was raving about this book so I read it. And was not impressed.



I’m not sure how much this series is actually hated but I’ve seen some people around the blogosphere saying they didn’t like it…

The Winner’s Trilogy by Marie Rutkoski. It’s one of my favorite series of all time!


Katniss and Peeta. Go ahead and pick up those pitchforks but I really don’t like this couple! I feel no chemistry whatsoever.

(Among others but I want to keep this post short.)


Thriller. I never read those, even though they’re all the rage nowadays.



Severus Snape from the Harry Potter series. I see people defending this character all the time and it makes no sense to me. He is not a redeemable character (and that’s completely fine, by the way).

I can understand how people may relate to him but that’s a whole different story.



Anne Bishop and Veronica Roth.

Anne Bishop’s Daughter of the Blood was one of the few books I ever DNFed in my entire life. I finished Divergent but never connected with any of the characters or the plot.


I’m usually pretty chill when it comes to clichés, as long as they’re done well. But the Mary Sue/Gary Sue archetype just gets on my nerves.

Flawless characters are just not interesting. And making them clumsy, too pale, too freckled, too short, etc., are not feasible flaws either. There needs to be something close to reprehensible about them, or at least very annoying, for it to be considered a flaw.



Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. I’ve actually been spoiled for this one and, to be honest, it never really grabbed my attention. Just seems more of the same thing.



The 100. I’m still trying to finish the second book in the trilogy… The TV show is just so much better! Not to mention completely different plot-wise.



So that’s it! As always, no pressure to do this tag (especially if you’ve already done it).

Also, I hope you were not sad or offended by my answers. Everyone has different opinions and that’s awesome! We should all just respect each other’s points of view 🙂

Thank you so much for reading and until next time!


How “unpopular” did you find my opinions? Do you agree or disagree with them? 【・・?】





90 thoughts on “Unpopular Opinions Book Tag

  1. OMG!!! You literally read my mind! 🙂 XD I don’t really understand the Snape thing either, I mean he’s pretty horrible to Harry throughout the series. Interesting as a villain, but when Rowling made him a good guy, he lost his charm. The Veronica Roth thing, I totally get too. Personally I feel that the Divergent wasted 18 hours of my life. And Red Queen…I never even bothered. Love your post!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. He’s really relatable because of all he’s went through, so a lot of people like him because of that. I guess Rowling tried to humanize him as much as possible and show a different side of him most people had never seen. However, I couldn’t really empathize either way so to me he remains an unlikeable character.
      Glad to know we share so many “unpopular” opinions! Hahaha
      It’s great to feel I’m not alone 😛 And thank you reading/commenting ^^ ❤


  2. Thanks for the tag! And omg I actually gave up on the idea of reading the winner’s trilogy because people are always talking badly about it but since I share so many of your opinions I think I’ll pick it up! ☺️

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    1. I wouldn’t say terrible hahaha But it definitely failed in comparison to the TV show. Which is really unusual but yup, it happened!
      I started watching the show first too, and about a couple episodes in decided to try the books. It was a big shock! They follow completely different paths and have a lot of different characters. I definitely would have thought that!

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      1. Did you read past the first book? I didn’t read it’s sequel. I just wondering if it followed the show at all. Speaking of that I really need to catch up on the show! I haven’t watched any of the new season 😦


        1. Yeah, I’ve read it. The third and final book is currently on hold, though. It doesn’t much follow the show at all, as far as I remember.
          I’ve only watched the first two episodes! Definitely need to catch up but I’m not too worried about it as I hate waiting in between releases hahaha

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  3. I completely agree with the Severus Snape thing, I can’t understand why people defend him as much as they do. I really disliked him, actually I have disliked him ever since I first read the series. I also agree on Divergent, I also completed the book but didn’t connect to the characters, plot or anything at all. And I have no interest in the Red Queen series either, it just sounds like something I have already read, plus I haven’t heard that many amazing things about it. 😀

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  4. Loved reading your answers! I can pretty much understand why you didn’t liked beautiful disaster. I’m surprised to see Winner’s trilogy on the hate list because everyone I know had loved this series. I haven’t read this trilogy yet but I have it in my tbr shelf. I totally agree with you on Katnis and Peeta.

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    1. I couldn’t think of any other series people hated and I loved, and I remember seeing some bloggers saying they disliked it (not too many, but enough to surprise me as I thought literally everyone loved this series!) so that’s why I included it. But of course there are others much more controversial!
      Glad to know I’m not the only one not into Katniss/Peeta hahaha

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  5. Awesome post!! I’ve always wanted to do this tag but never got round to it- thanks so much for tagging me!! Ah I’ve heard a lot of bad things about Beautiful Disaster- I’ve no desire to read it. And I like the Winner’s trilogy too (though I haven’t quite finished it). And I was not sold on Peeta either. And yes, Mary Sue characters are pretty irksome!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! ❤ And no problem 🙂 I'm glad you wanted to be tagged XD I'm never sure who does…
      Oooohhh you definitely need to finish The Winner's Trilogy! It was so good ❤
      Glad to know I'm not the only one who doesn't care for Peeta hahaha

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  6. I loved reading your answers to in this tag, Sophie! Even if some of them, admittedly, almost made me gasp out loud. LOL That’s the whole point of the tag though, right?! So great answers. Thanks for tagging me! 😀

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    1. Hahaha really? How come? XD
      I knew from the start this would be a pretty controversial post but hey, I think we all enjoy reading about these once in a while 😛 Glad to know you did, too!
      Thank you so much, Krysti ❤ And of course, any time!

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      1. Haha. I am a Snape fangirl for life. 😉 I spent a solid five years reading nothing but the HP series over and over again, and he’s one of my very favorite characters in all of literature, despite his many flaws. But that totally is what is fun about reading these kinds of posts. And I loved reading this one of course. <3<3<3

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        1. Ah, I see! I have some friends who like him, so I’m more than used to it 😛 We get to have some healthy banter on occasion because of it hahaha
          But just as I understand their reasons for liking him, they understand mine for disliking him. And it’s all good! It’s nice to have both perspectives 🙂
          So I can totally see why he’s your favorite character. He’s a very interesting, very layered, very morally gray person. And usually I would have loved that type of character but he, for various reasons, didn’t sit well with me.
          I’m glad to hear it! And thank you so much for your constant support, Krysti, means a lot ❤ ❤ ❤

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  7. The Red Queen made my blood boil! Haha so I totally agree… and with so many of your other opinions too (like no to the thrillers!). Thanks for sharing! it’s nice to read where you share opinions but its really great to read about points where you may differ, it keeps us all unique.

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    1. Absolutely! I love reading this type of tags and find out just how similar/different my opinions are from other bloggers’. It’s always interesting to discuss them afterwards too 🙂 I’m glad we agree on so many, though!
      Thank you for reading and commenting ❤

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  8. Thanks so much for tagging me! ❤ I love readingunpopular opinions because everyone has their own thoughts and opinions! And if someone hates my favourite book or series, that's cool! It'd be so boring if everyone liked the same things! 😀

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    1. I’m glad you enjoyed this ❤ And I'm of the same exact opinion!
      Of course I love having people with similar tastes to fangirl with me hahaha
      But it's also great to have people to challenge my opinions and offer me different points of view. I usually end up learning a lot 🙂
      No problem, Jackie! I'm looking forward to reading your answers!

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  9. Sophie, you and I share a lot of unpopular opinions…I’m not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing? I superrrrrr agree about The Beautiful Disaster series. It was sooooo problematic to me, and I don’t get the hype. Same with Veronica Roth’s Divergent series. I never connected with any of it either. And I read the Red Queen the first one, and…it will probs be smart to skip. Wonderful post as always, Sophie, and thank you for the tag! I can’t wait to do it! 😀

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    1. It’s a great thing, Mandy! XD We can be unpopular together. Or something. Which is nice! XD (I think)
      I did start the second book in the Disaster series, just out of morbid curiosity (despite not liking it, that freaking book was addictive! Like a trainwreck, I just couldn’t look away from it) and DNFed a couple pages in. That was it for me hahaha
      I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who can’t get into Roth… And good thing I skipped Red Queen then 😛
      Thank you so much, Mandy!! ❤ And no problem! I'm super excited about reading your answers 🙂 I want to know if we share any more unpopular opinions or the exact opposite hahaha


  10. I’ve already done this, but thanks so much for thinking of me!💜 The Red Queen series is honestly not the best, so I respect your decision of not reading it. I’ve read the first two and they were only mediocre, and I’m not in any rush to pick up King’s Cage.

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    1. Sure thing, Kayla! 🙂 Yeah, sorry, I can’t always check who has done this or not so that’s why I always have that little disclaimer at the bottom hahaha
      I probably would if I didn’t have other books I really, really, really want to read first. And there’re a lot of them. So instead of wasting my time on something I know I probably won’t like, I have to be selective.
      Thank you so much for reading ❤

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  11. Thanks for the tag! I’m excited to get to it!

    Also, I agree with you on almost all of these! The big one is Snape. Even if people think has a tragic back story (which, in my opinion, he brought on himself) that doesn’t excuse his behavior for 99% of the book.


    1. No problem, Ryann! I look forward to reading your answers 🙂
      Absolutely! I think so too. I mean, everyone has gone through some really tough times at some point or another but that doesn’t mean spending the rest of their lives using it to validate their poor decisions. Or taking their misery out on others. That’s just not right.

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  12. I totally understand your reasoning behind Snape. I was all aboard the Snape train until I thought about it and realized that he was horrible and even though he saved Harry, his behaviors to students was completely uncalled for.
    I love Peeta and Katniss together. lol. But I totally understand why you don’t. Everybody is different! 🙂

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    1. I personally never liked him, and I totally agree. It was awful of him to hold against Harry something his parents did… (Which is quite debatable, too) How was it Harry’s fault?
      I get why people love him so much. He’s quite relatable to a lot of people. But that doesn’t mean he can be excused from his actions.
      Many people I know like that ship, and I can understand why too! And indeed, we should all embrace our different opinions and just have healthy discussions about them 🙂 It’s so much more fun!
      Thank you for reading and commenting ❤

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  13. I forgave Snape the moment Harry did it, it just felt right. But I do understand people not liking him, and many of the things he did were awful! Even if he did them for love.
    And thank you so much for the tag! (Jeez I’m getting behind on tags atm…)

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    1. I totally get that and I’m not against forgiveness, especially in such a moment as a person’s death. I mean, there’s no point in holding a grudge. After all, you’d be doing the same as that person and just set yourself out for eternal misery.
      Snape’s love wasn’t unconditional like James’s so I don’t find it particularly memorable. He was selfish, pure and simple. Of course, he might have had some reasons to act the way he did but that’s no excuse to act upon them. As an adult man, he should have known better and put the past behind him. Who knows, maybe even find happiness once again.
      Maybe I’m being harsh but that’s just my opinion, and I respect everyone who disagrees with me.
      No problem! ❤ And sorry about the rant hahaha Don't worry, I think we all are nowadays…
      I'm hoping to read your answers soon! 🙂

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  14. I love that you picked Beautiful Disaster for the first question. I still can’t comprehend how people absolutely adore the novel/series, but to each their own. I’m sure you probably get so much rebuttal for not feeling the whole Katniss and Peeta thing. Lol, there was no chemistry and the progression of the relationship and their feelings didn’t feel genuine. Anyways, I enjoyed all your answers and congrats on being nominated. Happy Reading!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yup, I mean I get it. It *sounds* pretty great. But then you start reading it and there’re just so many issues and it’s just so problematic. If you can get past those and just take it for what it is, I guess you can enjoy it. Not all of it was bad but 90% of it was so…
      I do indeed hahaha Exactly! It just felt like Katniss was doing it to survive. That’s all. Even after everything, no matter what she did or said, it still felt like that and I couldn’t feel it.
      Thank you so much ❤ If you feel like doing the tag, by the way, go right ahead 🙂 It can be quite fun ^^

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  15. I respect what Snape did by the end of the HP series but yeah he is no way a redeemable character after everything he did to Harry and co.

    I read the first Red Queen book and literally fought to finish it so I’m totally with you there. No clue why it’s so popular, it’s so drab and depressing to me with meh characters.

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    1. Glad someone else sees it too! Like I said, I understand the appeal of his character but I don’t think what he did can be excusable in any way.
      Many popular books are like that, unfortunately. No idea why either, but hey, to each their own! (Is my only explanation – as well as great marketing.)
      Thanks for reading and commenting, Crystal 🙂

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  16. Great post, Sophie! Thank you so much for thinking of me! I do have a lot of unpopular opinions and so I’m really excited to do this tag.
    I can see why Severus Snape would be hard to like for you. In my case, I’m pretty indifferent towards him.
    I’ve only read the Red Queen and honestly I also don’t have a lot of interest in continuing the series. Maybe sometime later when I don’t have a towering TBR pile. 😂
    I actually kind of ship Katniss and Peeta. This was the first time that my ship had actually sailed so this pairing is very close to my heart. But I know some people who don’t ship them as well. It’s all cool lol. 😀
    Amazing post, as always! Sorry for the late response, life has been overly busy. Thanks again! 💙


    1. Thank you so much, Ava! ❤ And of course, any time ^^ I'm excited to read your unpopular opinions 🙂
      Hahaha I knew you did and I many people I know do, actually. I just can't get into it. I see no spark and no real connection. Maybe because I was biased from the start and wanted her to end up with Gale. Oh well.
      I'm happy you got your ship to sail, though! Mine rarely do XD So I can relate.
      It's okay, it's tough being on top of things all the time. Blogging is great but very time-consuming and there's always so much to do!
      Thank you for reading ^^

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      1. You’re very welcome, Sophie! Can’t wait to do this tag. 😊
        That’s alright. I can see why people would want her to end up with Gale. Both the ships are pretty cool. Thanks lol. I find it hard to believe myself.
        Your ships don’t sail too? And here I thought i was the only one. 😂
        You’re right. I’m trying to stay as active as possible.
        No problem, it was a pleasure. 💙


          1. Haha same! So glad to know that I’m not alone! 😂
            Actually, I’ve noticed this shift too. Maybe you’re right! We’re finally free from this curse! I just hope it stays this way, cause the heartbreaks are hard to deal with. 😭


  17. I agree with a good many of these! Especially the cliché tropes. I feel like authors who try out the clichés you mentioned (such as freckles) are kind of hinting that these things are flaws, when they’re really not! Authors like that are only really marginalising people unnecessarily. It’s better if there’s more ambiguity in there for sure!

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    1. I think it’s one of those things where authors feel “pressured” to come up with flaws for their otherwise perfect characters in order to make them likeable and relatable. But they can’t or won’t give them real or controversial flaws for whatever reason.
      But yeah, it makes characters sound whiny and super annoying, complaining about these “flaws” or mentioning them at random when it makes no sense for the story.
      And totally agree 🙂
      Thanks so much for reading! ❤

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  18. I understand your choice for Katness and Peeta. When did we actually see some real love and chemistry between these two? I’m afraid I am one of those people who liked reading Beautiful Disaster though, it’s just the sort of romance that I like ;-). I still haven’t seen all of the HP movies or read the books so Snape is very unlikable to me, but I don’t know what happens in the rest of the series.

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    1. Exactly! I didn’t see it either.
      Beautiful Disaster was definitely addicting at first, but then I was just “what? Are you kidding me?”
      I just found myself rolling my eyes and shaking my head way too many times. There was just too much drama and I didn’t have a lot of patience for it XD
      I definitely recommend you finish the movies. It will shed some light on why there’s so many contrasting opinions on Snape 😉

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  19. Oh man… spoilers… They are a pain in the arse… Well, at least your interest in Victoria Aveyard’s trilogy was already non-existent! Didn’t expect Snape to find himself in that category, that was funny/interesting! 😀


    1. Yeah spoilers are the bane of my existence! But in this case, it was not a problem… Just came to reinforce my unwillingness to read the series, really.
      Hahaha oh well, I know a lot of people like him but I’m really not a fan XD Are you? (Just curious)
      Thank you for reading and commenting, as always 😊

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        1. Yeah, and the other way around as well. There’s a major character in the books who’s not even mentioned in the tv show. It was very weird to me because she’s got her own arc and POV and plays a big role in the story. Her family and friends too.
          I don’t really get why she was left out of the show but, you know, it worked out really well regardless so I’m not complaining 😉

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    1. I don’t think I would’ve even paid it any attention if not for the big controversy surrounding it, to be honest. It was just hard not to see the book everywhere hahaha
      I have to say, a part of me was curious about what was so bad about it, but I never felt like reading the whole thing.
      I definitely won’t be continuing the Divergent series, but I won’t say I’ll never read anything by Roth again. I mean, authors do grow and their writing does improve, so maybe in the future I’ll try one of her books again. Maybe.
      Thank you so much for reading and commenting, Amalia! 😊 ❤

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      1. The hype around the series is definitely why I picked it up, too, I just never connected with the words I was reading I guess? I’m kind of a believer that a book will appear in my life at the right time (I’m sure it’s related more to my subconscious than fate) so if I don’t like a book right now, it doesn’t I won’t like, or learn from, it in the future. 🙂

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  20. A lot of my potterhead friends defend snape to no end, and even tho I explain my side of things (because i don’t like him either), they just keep on loving him. they don’t even show arguments. it’s just “i love snape / my favourite character is snape”


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